Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Melanoma-Holy Moley!

We have a lady in the hospital with melanoma in her chest. Melanoma is a nasty nasty cancer. It looks tiny and unassuming, but LOOK OUT! If it sneaks itself into your skin beyond 1mm, it invites itself to the rest of your organs. And it doesn't even bring a bottle of wine.

Seeing as I am myself covered in nevi (medicalese for mole), I always find myself eyeballing each freckle for the ABCD's (you know: Asymmetry, borders (irregular?), color (even? splotchy?) and diameter). Nothing exciting yet, but I just like to let them know I'm watching. Kind of a mole-standoff, if you will. But without the compounds and FBI involvement.

Is today the day Mole?

For those of you with a willing significant other, spice up your date night and check each other!

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